After combining two companies, the Security team in Vintra sought to improve vision in the multi -visualized Vestra/multi -structure environment.
Security also wanted to improve governance – the position of the risk of the expanded cloud environment.
With multiple solutions to the points, the security team sought to raise the level of its tools group.
Vissstra can see how to connect all resources, using WIZ to enable multi -functional teams to cooperate in integrating and securing cloud environments for new business units after suicide.
Visstra now determines high priority risks and risk position for major assets using WIZ to determine the priorities of treatment issues and enhance governance.
Vestra reduced the need for multiple safety solutions by supporting WIZ for mixed environments and operations without the agent, simplifying safety operations and reducing public spending.
Full vision
Through a multi -cloud environment
It guarantees compliance with all new companies and products
The security platform has been published in full feature
Reducing the need for multiple points solutions
Improving governance on a growing multi -cloud environment
Visstra is a leading provider of basic business services, such as human resources, legal entities management, and organizational compliance, which help companies and private capital funds to grow through their entire commercial and investment life cycle. It was created by a group of Tricor Group and Visstra, and has seen Visstra, which has imagined a rapid business growth and overseeing a large multi -infrastructure/multi -brown environment.
As a result, the security team and the other main stakeholders needed a comprehensive vision in the global cloud fingerprint, with the ability to apply governance and apply it constantly and quickly.
We want to unify what we have and bring the best tools and practices and integrate together for our safety team. For example, if we discover a danger or an accident on one platform, we should be able to respond in another. Everything should work together in a smooth and non -trial way.
Tang, Director of Cyber ​​Security, Vestra
The left turns into the development of safe products by design
Vesra wanted to achieve both short -term and long -term goals with security. In the short term, the company saw an opportunity to rationalize safety tools. By uniting the best solutions concluded, the security team will get a comprehensive vision, ensure the consistency of governance with one group of policies, and is able to determine the risks and determine the priorities of treatment.
“Originally, we used the capabilities of CDR the original cloud inside different platforms, but this created multiple policies, rules and mechanisms in our environment at a time when we wanted centralization and unifying jobs,” Tang, director of cybersecurity in Vestra.
Simplify cooperation to enable continuous improvement
Vissstra reviewed many sellers, choosing Wiz due to the breadth of services, ease of use, and cost. By publishing Wiz, Vistra gained a comprehensive vision and governance through the cloud infrastructure that sought the security team. The team quickly adopted the functions of Wiz CNAPP, including Wiz DSPM, and IAC wipe to detect the security risks early.
To determine the critical attack paths, the WIZ team is used to wipe each resource and technology in their cloud environment via virtual devices, containers and jobs without a servant. All Visstra teams now reach the same vision of cloud resources, with the risks, context and integrated connections, while cloud stock management operations in IT and safety technology.
The safety team uses this information and automated workflow to determine and process risk priorities, such as PII or PCI exposure. Likewise, developers gain practical visions about the highly priority risks that must be addressed during the product development cycle without noise or the need to create context and links manually.
“Before, we can put policies within our AWS and Azure accounts but we were unable to see contradictions and other risks. With WIZ, we have vision and visions to review formations and policies proactively in all our tenants, allowing Vistra to create a culture of continuous improvement.”
As Vesra continues its journey to shift to the left, create a real Devsecops capacity by enabling developers through the visions they need to determine and address the risks throughout the life development cycle instead of installing the repairs after that.
“Devsecops is still ripe for our company. As a result, we scan new applications to ensure the treatment of important risk development teams before launching new products,” says Tang.
As we move to the infrastructure as a symbol model, WIZ helps us to convert the left code and scan to determine the risk and treat it earlier in the product development cycle. Promoting these capabilities helps us to guarantee business owners that applications are safe by design.
Tang, Director of Cyber ​​Security, Vestra
Development, infrastructure and security teams use WIZ projects and control control controls to enable cooperation for internal and external shareholders in Wiz. The joint team uses a cloud landing area and checks WIZ compliance with new business units quickly and safely. Through this function, Visstra automatically evaluates and maintains organizational compliance to the degree of risk, integrated frameworks, and reporting.
By enabling multi -functional teams with increased clarity, risk identification, and treatment capabilities, Visstra has improved significantly cloud security position, while improving operational efficiency.
WIZ provides one part of the glass for cloud safety in Vestra. We have obtained vision, cooperation tools and reporting capabilities that we need to accelerate the integration of our company and enable the development of safe products.
Tang, Director of Cyber ​​Security, Vestra
Sophisticated security capabilities to support future growth
The Security Corporation has developed continuous rapid growth using WIZ. Multi -functional teams can quickly and safely on new systems, design safe products and simplify cooperation. The teams fully have a clear missile infrastructure, with the risks and connections that have been classified in the context, enable them to develop security strategies, develop risk management capabilities, and treat weaknesses proactively.
Next, Westtra plans to explore Wiz CDR to raise her ability to discover, investigate and respond threats. Wiz CDR combines its non -graphic approach with cloud activity records, enabling the teams to proactively identify threats, simulating the attackers' views, reducing their damages, and performing forensic on a large scale during a discovered threat.