Google's Chris Cord and Archana Ramamurthy recently unveiled updates to Google Cloud's security offerings at Google's Public Sector Summit. Kordi, who serves as director of product management at Google Cloud Security, and Ramamurthy, who serves as senior director of product management at Google Cloud, said in the announcement posted Thursday on the company blog that the offerings will help protect public sector organizations from threat actors who aim to Putting critical data and infrastructure at risk.
Proven workload control packages
The updates include new proven workload control packages that, among other things, provide various AI capabilities such as text-to-speech, provide support for state and local government customers' IRS 1075 compliance and simplify configuration and security for regulated healthcare and life sciences. Workloads.
New offers
Also announced was the introduction of Google Cloud Audit Manager and ThreatSpace, and the general availability of Drive Inventory Reporting. The Audit Manager helps clients evaluate their resources against industry standards such as NIST 800-53 Revision 4 and FedRAMP Moderate; ThreatSpace, a technical education service provided by Google's cybersecurity subsidiary Mandiant, helps keep security teams up to speed; Drive Inventory Reporting creates weekly snapshots of key metadata for files within Google Drive.
Kordi and Ramamurthy also said that Google's AI technology, Gemini for Workspace, has been submitted to the Federal Risk Management and Licensing Program for high authorization. Gemini is already integrated into many existing Google apps.
The company also works with rural hospitals and health clinics to ensure the robustness of the cybersecurity of their systems.