New Delhi, July 24: Telegram has addressed a major security issue affecting its Android users. The cloud-based instant messaging app has been urging users to update their apps to ensure their safety. The security flaw could have allowed hackers to exploit the app and potentially harm user data. Cybersecurity researchers at ESET have identified a critical vulnerability in the Telegram app for Android devices that could enable attackers to send malicious files disguised as regular videos through chats.
According to a report from Hindustan Times, Telegram has fixed a major security vulnerability discovered in Android devices. The vulnerability could have allowed unauthorized access to user data, posing significant privacy risks. ESET researchers have discovered a major security issue in the Telegram app for Android. Telangana Cyber Security Bureau busts Rs 5.40 crore fraud, arrests three accused in international fraud racket.
On June 26, 2024, cybersecurity firm ESET discovered an issue with the Telegram app and immediately notified the Telegram team. Telegram responded to the report on July 4, acting quickly and starting to investigate the issue. They fixed the issue by releasing a new version of the app, called 10.14.5, on July 11, 2024. So to stay safe, it is important for users to update their Telegram app to the latest version on their devices.
Details of a security vulnerability in the Telegram application
The vulnerability, known as a “zero-day exploit,” allows attackers to send malicious files that appear as regular videos through Telegram chats. The vulnerability, dubbed “EvilVideo,” was discovered on an online forum in June 2024. The discovery is significant as it highlights a vulnerability in the popular messaging app that could have put users’ devices and data at risk. Once the issue was realized, the Telegram team prioritized the fix to prevent any potential breaches. Cyber Attack: Hackers breach Noida bank server, steal Rs 16.71 crore
According to reports, hackers could exploit a vulnerability to send malicious files such as 30-second videos via Telegram channels, groups, or private chats. If the auto-download setting is enabled, these malicious files are automatically downloaded when the recipient opens the chat. ESET researcher Lukáš Štefanko and his team discovered the vulnerability in underground online forums and confirmed its existence by testing a malicious file they obtained from a public Telegram channel. The vulnerability affects older versions of Telegram, specifically those prior to version 10.14.5.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on July 24, 2024 at 11:57 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website