Global spending on information security is expected to reach $215 billion by the end of 2024. But a new study of chief information security officers (CISOs) shows that all that money may not have bought the peace of mind they were hoping for. In fact, 44% of CISOs worldwide reported missing a data breach in the past 12 months using current tools.
The top blind spots identified in the survey of 234 global IT executives were hybrid cloud infrastructure and data migration, which eight in 10 of those surveyed by Gigamon said was a “major concern.” The Gigamon report added that moving data is where 93% of malware has historically been hidden. An overwhelming majority of 84% of chief information security officers surveyed said that having visibility into this encrypted traffic is a top priority for the coming year.
“Modern cybersecurity is about distinguishing between acceptable and unacceptable risks,” said Haim Mazal, chief organizations officer at Gigamon, He said in the survey report. “Our research shows where CIOs draw that line, highlighting the critical importance of visibility into all data in motion to secure complex hybrid cloud infrastructure against today's emerging threats. Clearly, current approaches are not keeping up with the pace, which is why CIOs must “Reevaluate toolkits and reprioritize investments and resources to secure their infrastructure with greater confidence.”
Observability of cloud and cyber threats
The possibility of deep observation in Hybrid cloud environments It is top of mind for 82% of IT managers surveyed. 85% of respondents want clear visibility into the package level and metadata of applications. Boards also agree that this deep observability is critical, with 81% of senior IT executives reporting that hybrid cloud infrastructure will be a budget priority in 2025.
“Today’s IT managers understand that security and observability are intrinsically linked,” Stephen Elliott, group vice president of IT Operations, Observability and CloudOps at IDC, said in the report. “The network provides a critical layer of context that can inform security operations and vice versa, which is why modern security teams leverage network-derived information and insights to understand the true impact of a threat and prioritize their responses accordingly.”
But before IT managers start spending on new tools, they plan to make the most of what they already have, according to the survey. Three-quarters of IT managers surveyed reported that they were “bothered” by the growing number of tools and their alerts. So you can better handle the hybrid Cloud data In infrastructure, for example, 60% of CISOs said their top priority for 2025 would be standardizing and improving existing tools for this area.