Gomboc.ai Cloud Security Gomboc.ai raised $ 13 million from seed financing to enhance the inevitable artificial intelligence platform aimed at eliminating the accumulation of security that hinders commercial operations, according to Siliconangle. Artificial intelligence provides artificial intelligence solution on rules and provides consistent and repetitive reforms, and the context of the cloud is security problems – different from the changing results of the spontaneous organization. The platform has been developed to treat the vast volume of tickets and security alerts that often paralyze security teams. The founder and CEO Ian Aminit, who relies on his experience as an information security officer, imagines a system not only defines weaknesses, but also treats the weakness of the weakness but also treats them automatically. Gomboc AI is integrated with cloud infrastructure using a symbol, allowing accurate and mechanical repairs without disrupting system functions. The solution reduces dependence on manual processes by addressing security names at the code level, effectively planning for self -planning and creating safety teams and Devops tasks with higher priority. Its politics -based framework is in line with industry standards, including the National Institute for Standards, the Framework for Cyber ​​Technological Security and the Internet Security Guidance Center.
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